“Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming better than you are.” – Julius Charles Hare

Being a student is easy. Learning requires actual work.
—William Crawford

Hello there,
I'm Cindy Viviana Rodriguez R

I born in Cali. I have a bachelor in a computer science, I moved to The Nederland in 2017. I live with my husband in Assendelft, his name is Pablo Bastidas Valencia how you can see for our names (long ones) both of us are Colombians

My parents are still in my born contry, I have a sister she lives in Malta, I don't have children


Codecademy Plataform

Responsive design | 5 May 2022

I learned responsive design techniques, like relative sizing units and media queries, to create enjoyable websites on devices of all sizes. Certificate

Codecademy Plataform

JavaScript Course | 27 Sept 2021

I learned how to implement JavaScript data types, built-in methods and variables, use conditionals to control the flow of a program in JavaScript, construct functions and pass data through them, identify global and block-level scopes in JavaScript,use arrays to store lists of data,use loops to execute blocks of code multiple times, use iterator methods to simplify the process of looping over arrays. Certificate

Platzi Plataform

Closures y JavaScript Scope | 9 April 2021

I learned the fundamental concepts of global and local Scope, the kind of variables declarations (cons, let and var),identify the correct use of local scope, function scope and block scope, meaning of Closures Scope and Hosting. Certificate

Platzi Plataform

Frontend Developer | 26 March 2021

Basic domain of HTML and CSS. HTML anathomic, CSS elements and properties and responsive design. Certificate

Platzi Plataform

ECMAScript 6+ | 15 March 2021

Basic knowledge about the new characteristics of ECMAScript 6 like defect parameters, literal frame, let and const, arrow funtion, promeses, async/await, modules and class. Certificate

Platzi Plataform

JavaScript Basics | 11 March 2021

JavaScript basic concepts (variable, functions, objects and where to save those). Scope meaning and how to use loops. Certificate

Platzi PLataform

Vue.js, The Basics | 23 Sept 2020

I learned how to obtain data from a external API, how to deploy a VueJS app to production and understand the advantages of VueJS. Certificate

Platzi Plataform

Professional in Vue.js | 1 Dic 2020

This course was about how to build big scale web applications with tools and libraries that VueJS offers. Take advantage of the simplicety, scalability and the incredible performance of this framework. Certificate

Zenva Academy

Build JavaScript Applications With VueJS | 3 Agust 2020

I learned how to create Vue Instances to attach data to your HTML, make usage of variables, conditionals, and function, handle a variety of user inputs and Compartmentalize your page with Vue Components. Certificate

Zenva Academy

The Complete Beginner's JavaScript Course | 21 April 2020

I learned how store data as variables and arrays, manipulate data with operators, how to use conditionals to evaluate data for specific actions, control program logic and flow with functions and loops. Certificate

Zenva Academy

JavaScript 101 - First Programming Steps | 7 April 2020

I learned how store static and dynamic data with variables and arrays, calculate data with common math operators, improve functionality with conditionals and loops, reuse common pieces of code with functions & methods, use object-oriented programming (JavaScript objects, classes, etc..) and explore how JS is used for web pages. Certificate

Zenva Academy

HTML & CSS 101 - Responsive Company Website | 1 April 2020

I learned how to set up a text editor to make web pages, use HTML tags to add links & images, create forms for capturing user input, lists & tables, style pages with CSS and work with padding and margins. Certificate


Computer Science

Antonio Jose Camacho University | 2015 - 2018

The education focused mainly on Java-based programming, but they also teach PL/SQL, MVC, UML, Data communication, and more. Additionally, I learned about the importance of OOP-, user experience, and web design.

System technologist

Antonio Jose Camacho University | 2011 - 2014

The education focus was to introduce the basic fundaments of software development, data storage, and infrastructure

Administrative Assistant

Centro Docente Santa Anita | 2001 -2007

I enjoyed learning about Cience, Math, Biology, Religion, and Administration

Primary school

Centro Docente Santa Luisa | 1996 -2000

I enjoyed learning about our ancestral music and dance, also Math, Geographic, Grammar and Read/Write Spanish. Spanisch